Processed Volume License at one physical site explanation

The following explanation is restricted to one physical site license, if you have needs for multiple physical sites or unlimited volume, please contact our sales department.

-“Processed volume” meaning and example

The Processed volume license is based on the number of processed records. What this means is, if you use the features Address Correction, NCOA, and/or Bulk Mail Processing, which will reduce the Available volume by how many records are processed. Once a record is processed, it will not be counted as processed again for 30 days unless the record is changed. If you have the same Name, Address, etc. in 2 different files and you process both files, that will count as 2 in the Processed volume and reduce the Available volume by 2 if both files are processed. After 30 days, if you process the file again, the records processed will again apply. The Processed volume will be increased and the Available volume will be decreased by the number of records processed.

A record is defined as a single Name, Address, etc in a single file.


If you have a file with 1000 records and you run address correction, NCOA, or Process Bulk Mail on those records, the Processed volume will be 1000 and your Available volume will be reduced by 1000. . After 30 days, if the file is processed again, the records processed will again apply. The Processed volume will be increased and the Available volume will be decreased by the number of records processed.

If you filter your list to show only 500 of your 1000 records in a single file and run address correction, NCOA, and/or Process Bulk Mail, the Processed volume will be 500 and the Available volume will be reduced by just the 500 records processed. Not the full 1000 records in the file because you only processed 500 of those records. If you then process the entire file or just the other half of the file within 30 days, the Processed volume will be 500 more and the Available volume will be reduced by the 500 additional records processed.  After 30 days, if the file is processed again, the records processed will again apply. The Processed volume will be increased and the Available volume will be decreased by the number of records processed.

The Processed volume applies to any records that are processed through any of the features Address Correction, NCOA, or Process Bulk Mail. The Processed volume will only be increased once for any or all of these processes. That means that if you run Address Correction, then run NCOA, then run Process Bulk Mail, this will only increase the Processed volume by the number or records that were run. Not 3 times. The Processed volume will only count a record when any of the processes use it. But if one process has already used the record, then all other processes will not count the record until the 30 days have passed.

How the accumulation works.

For Annual licenses: the Accumulation will be, if you renew your license within 30 days of the expiration of the order, the unused volume will accumulate to the renewal license up to the maximum allowable accumulation. That is 125% of the renewal license volume.

For example, if you had an annual license that has an annual Processed volume of 60,000. But you only processed  50,000 during the year, when you renew the license for the next year your Available volume will be 70,000. Because you have accumulated 10,000 unused from the previous year. But if you wait beyond the 30 day limit to renew the license, the accumulated volume will not be part of the new license. In this case the Available volume would be the 60,000 Available volume of the new license.

If you had an annual license that has an annual Processed volume of 60,000. But you only processed  40,000 during the year, when you renew the license for the next year your Available volume will be 75,000, because you have accumulated more than the maximum 125% of the renewed annual volume. But if you wait beyond the 30 day limit to renew the license, the accumulated volume will not be part of the new license. In this case, the Available volume would be the 60,000 Availablevolume of the new license.

For an Automatic Update monthly plan license, the Accumulation will be, if you renew your license within 30 days of the expiration of the license, the unused volume will accumulate to the renewal license up to the maximum allowable accumulation. That is a total of 4months accumulation, including the renewal month’s Available volume.

For example, if you had a license that has an annual Available volume of 60,000. That accumulates at a rate of 5,000 per month. If you start the month with 6,000 Available volume, and you process 500 records that month, the next month, when the license is renewed your Available balance will be 10,500. Because you have accumulated 5,500 from the previous month and the new month adds 5,000 more. But if you wait beyond the 30 day limit to renew the license, the accumulated volume will not be part of the new license.

If you have a license that has an annual Available volume of 60,000. That accumulates at a rate of 5,000 per month. If, at the end of a month you have18,000 Available volume, the start of the next month the Available volume will be 20,000. The maximum accumulation at the beginning of any month can be up to the 4 month maximum accumulation. But if you wait beyond the 30 day limit to renew the license, the accumulated volume will not be part of the new license.

Switching volume levels

For Annual license: If you are switching from a lower volume to a higher volume, the maximum accumulation is based on the newer higher volume.  So, if you were switching from a 36,000 Available volume license to a 60,000 Available volume license, then the maximum allowable accumulation volume would be 75,000 which is 125% of the new 60,000 volume license.

If you are switching from a higher volume to a lower volume, the maximum accumulation is based on the newer lower volume level. So, if you were switching from a 60,000 volume license to a 36,000 volume license, then the maximum allowable accumulation volume would be 45,000 which is 125% of the new 36,000 Available volume license.

For Automatic Update monthly license: if you are switching from a lower volume level to a higher volume level, there will be a charge for the difference, and the volume difference will be added to your license.

Lower volume to Higher volume
If you are switching from a lower volume level to a higher volume level, you will be allowed to use the new higher volume once the charge has been approved. If you are using a license that has 1,000 Available volume per month, and you switch to a license that has 3,000 Available volume per month, you will be charged the difference in price between the 1,000 volume prices and the 3,000 volume price, and you will be allowed to use the additional 2,000 volume difference between the old license of 1,000 and the new license of 3,000 this month. Any accumulated volume will still be part of the new license up to the maximum 4 month Available volume.

Higher volume to Lower volume
If you are switching from a higher volume level to a lower volume level, the current month will continue to have the higher volume level available until the next month. If you have an accumulated volume that exceeds the maximum 4 months Available volume of the new license, the accumulated volume will be reduced to the maximum 4 months Available volume of the new license volume level.

For example, if you have a license that allows 3,000 records per month and you have accumulated the maximum 12,000 Available volume and you switch to a license that has a 1,000 per month volume level, then for the next month, the Available volume would be reduced to the maximum for the new license level. In this case it would be 4,000 Available volume. This is the 4 month maximum Available volume for the new license.


- Where current and past usage can be found

You can always see your available balance in the program. It is both in the Status Bar at the bottom of the program window and in the About box. You can go to the Help menu and choose About MyPostageRateSaver to see it there. To see the Processed balance, log into your account on our website, click on the Order History link. At the top of that page there is a link “Volume License Report”. Click on that link to see your processed volume report.